Customer Service

Enthusiastic About Meeting Our Customer Needs.


"We take into account every single transportation detail – our pride is in the detail"

Dedicated Team

Golden State Freight has a dedicated team of experienced transportation specialists onboard to ensure a smooth and functional transport of goods. With years of experience in the industry, employees of Golden State Freight are enthusiastic about meeting customer needs.

Meeting Customer Demand

We provide unique solutions based on customer demand. We identify the needs of our customers and tailor our approach and service to each scenario.

We are dedicated

Golden State Freight can manage your equipment needs as your partner. Whether you have an inbound or outbound load from Northern California, we can handle the freight from end to end. We do whatever it takes.

Food Safety

Golden State Freight goes above and beyond to service our customers, including certifying our trucks in food safety requirements to be acceptable by our customer’s standards.

  1. We pre-inspect equipment to make sure they are food-grade approved in advance.
  2. We guarantee quality control by inspecting and maintaining seal integrity on trailers.
  3. We monitor freight at all times while in our possession.

With experience in temperature controlled freight, sensitive materials and a long history of transporting perishables, Golden State Freight understands, respects and maintains food safety standards for our clients.

Maintaining On-Time Performance

Golden State Freight knows that getting freight to its destination or connection on time is the most important part of the business. That’s why we track every load from ship point to destination with a combination of tracing mechanisms. Whether it’s keeping track of the railroads or equipment providers, Golden State Freight has a personalized system to keep our clients informed with up to date information and also has EDI capabilities. Using advanced electronic logs and GPS technology means our customers can rely on accurate information from Golden State Freight.